GCQ Global Equities Complex ETF (ASX: GCQF)

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GCQ Exchange-Traded Fund

The GCQ investment strategy can be accessed through the GCQ Global Equities Complex ETF (GCQF) which is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) as an exchange-traded fund (ETF). You can buy and sell GCQF units through your online trading account, broker, or licensed adviser, just like ASX-listed shares. 

To access GCQF on the ASX, log into your share trading platform, or speak to your stockbroker or financial adviser.

Why an Active ETF?

An Active ETF is actively managed by a fund manager. Active ETFs operate in a similar way to traditional managed funds but have the benefit of transparent, live intra-day pricing and T+2 settlement.

Active ETF allow simplicity in investing as you invest simply through the ASX with lower minimum investment amounts compared to traditional unlisted managed funds. Investors also have the benefit of seeing live trading prices, a full disclosure of the portfolio on a quarterly basis and the ability to buy and sell intraday on the ASX.

ASX Announcements – GCQ Global Equities Complex ETF (ASX: GCQF)

3 March 2025Admission and Commencement of Trading – GCQFDownload

Indicative NAV*

GCQ Global Equities Complex ETF
Per unit as at:
12 March 2025 17:29:59
$4.8970 [15] second delayed price

INAV Disclaimer

“The iNAV is calculated by Solactive AG (Solactive). The financial instrument is not sponsored, endorsed, promoted or sold by Solactive in any way and Solactive makes no express or implied representation, guarantee or assurance with regard to the iNAV calculations or the fund.”

Disclosure Documents

Investors should read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination (TMD) prior to deciding to invest in GCQF. The Material Portfolio Information (MPI) file is updated daily and available in the table below.

GCQ Global Equities Complex ETF (ASX: GCQF)PDSTMDMPI

Fund Performance

GCQF is intended to replicate the investment strategy and performance of the P Class of the GCQ Flagship Fund. 

Detail of the historic performance of the GCQ P Class can be found here.

Issuer sponsored unit holder queries relating to tax statements, holding statements and the updating of registered details should be addressed to the Fund’s Unit Registry (Apex Group Ltd). For CHESS sponsored holdings in GCQF, please contact your broker or licensed dealer directly in relation to these matters.